Want to know how much it costs to operate your clothes dryer every month? Need to have a better understanding of how much electricity your TV uses? Our Energy Calculator tells you the cost of running all the appliances in a typical home for a one-month period. You can customize the calculator to your own home by changing the values.
If you calculate your appliances and still want a more detailed look at energy use in your home you can book an 'Energy Audit' with the Arctic Energy Alliance.
Choose your community and then go room to room to find common appliances in your home.
Enter the number of each appliance you have in each room. Monthly consumption and cost for the appliance will automatically be calculated, as well as the total for each room and the overall electricity use for your house.
You can even customize the calculate further if you know the wattage of your appliance or how often you use it.
This is a tool to estimate your household usage and may not be an accurate reflection of your monthly bill.