Home Entertainment

NTPC power wise owl

Energy Saving Tips

No Cost / Low Cost

  • Turn off your TV, stereo, DVD player and gaming systems when no one is using them
  • Unplug your home electronics when not in use. Standby power use from electronics that are turned off but still plugged in accounts for 5 - 10% of the electricity consumption in a typical Canadian home
  • Have you ever noticed that a charger or adapter is warm to the touch when it is plugged in, even when it is not charging anything? Many chargers draw at least one watt of electricity all the time. Unplug your chargers once they're done charging

Save Even More

  • When replacing your TV, choose an energy-efficient ENERGY STARĀ® qualified model. ENERGY STARĀ® qualified TVs use about 30% less energy than standard units
  • Plug your TV, Stereo, DVD and gaming systems into a power bar that can be shut off, to avoid wasting electricity with the standby power feature. Make sure the power bar provides surge protection