Energy Awareness Summary Checklist
This checklist is to identify the level of energy awareness at your business. Fill this checklist out according to answers received in the employee questionnaire. You will be able to track the progress of your Energy Awareness Campaign.

What is the general attitude of people toward energy saving?
Very positive; staff actively save energy and believe they can make a difference      
Aware and positive, but it’s not part of the daily work culture      
Quite energy aware and occasionally pass on information      
Neutral but no commitment; some staff occasionally try to save energy      
Generally Negative and apathetic toward energy saving      
Environmental Impact
To what extent are people aware of the environmental impact of energy use?
Very aware and informed      
Most are aware of the environmental impact      
Aware of some of the issues      
Aware, but are not convinced or have not yet made the connection      
Hardly anybody is aware of the environmental impact      
Cost and Waste
What is the level of awareness of energy costs and where energy is wasted?
People are aware of costs and where energy is wasted      
People are aware of the costs, but not aware of where energy is wasted      
People are not aware of energy costs or where energy is wasted      
Energy Saving
To what extent is staff aware of the ways in which they can save energy?
People are well informed and conversant on how to save energy      
People are aware of more than basic measures of saving energy      
People are aware of basic energy saving measures (turning off lights, etc.)      
People are not aware of energy saving measures      
How motivated are people to save energy?
People are motivated and influence others to save energy      
People are motivated and act on an individual basis      
People are motivated but enthusiasm is lost due to general apathy      
No one is motivated to save energy