Clothes Dryer

NTPC power wise owl

Energy Saving Tips

No Cost / Low Cost

  • Install an outdoor clothes line. Heat from the sun and the flow of air will dry your clothes
  • An indoor clothes rack may take longer to dry, but it is an energy efficient alternative to the clothes dryer
  • Dry full loads whenever possible but don't overload the machine
  • Clean the lint trap after every load. A clogged lint trap can increase energy use up to 30 per cent and may be a fire hazard
  • Try to start your second load of drying as soon as the first is finished. That way, the dryer will still be warm – and you will save energy
  • Make sure your clothes are wrung out well before putting them in the dryer
  • Separate your loads into heavy, medium and lightweight items – lighter loads will take less drying time than a mixture of items
  • Don't leave clothes in the dryer too long. Over-drying not only uses more electricity but also increases shrinkage and wrinkles. Clothes should dry in 40 minutes to one hour
  • Use your dryer's "cool down" cycle – usually the "permanent-press" setting. No heat is supplied in the last few minutes, but drying continues as cool air is blown through tumbling clothes
  • Keep your dryer's outside exhaust clean. A clogged exhaust lengthens drying time and increases energy use

Save Even More

  • How old is your dryer? New clothes dryers use 25 per cent less electricity than models made 20 years ago
  • Make sure to check the EnerGuide rating and choose a model that is among the most energy efficient on the market. Choose a model that also has a sensor that automatically shuts off the machine as soon as the clothes are dry
  • Only dry small loads? Consider buying a compact dryer. They use less energy per cycle than full-size models. Keep in mind that it can cost you more energy and money if you end up doing more loads to dry all of your clothes